
The Internet Analysis Seminar provides a forum for researchers in the areas of complex analysis, function theory, harmonic analysis, and operator theory, to interact and learn from one another, both academically and professionally. The Seminar includes three phases involving Internet lectures, working groups, and a final conference. Each year, a topic in the areas mentioned above will be chosen and an Internet seminar will be developed with corresponding lectures.

A primary goal of the Seminar is to increase the collaborative learning and mentoring between graduate students, post-doctoral researchers and senior faculty across the country. The Seminar takes the standard dissemination of research results further, providing an open, inclusive setting for junior mathematicians to learn new research concepts and apply them through group projects with more senior researchers.

If you are interested in participating please create an account and follow along with the lectures posted. Additionally, you may send an email to wick[at]math[dot]gatech[dot]edu.

The Internet Analysis Seminar is supported by National Science Foundation DMS # 0955432.